Monday, November 15, 2010


Yes, I feel bad that I haven't posted in months. Yes, I promise to do better. And yes, I have three drafts of started posts that have yet to be finished. This post will be short, but it's too funny not to share.

We were at my mom and dad's for dinner on Saturday and Nathan went to the fridge saying "opey, open" (that's open, open). So we opened it and he grabbed a pitcher of water with lemon slices in it. We gave him a piece of lemon, as he's been known to eat lemons like normal people eat oranges. Once we gave it to him, he wanted his sippy cup "opey, opey." He put the lemon in his water. Then asked for ice. Yes, my kid will be the only two year old in the entire restaurant to ask for lemon and ice in his water :)