Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Last posted on November 15, 2010

I wonder how slighted this baby will feel that I'm 20 weeks today and haven't even posted one time, whereas for Nathan I had an almost daily accounting of his activities and growth. I can say this much, this baby definitely has a personality of his own already. Whereas Nathan was structured in his schedule from the very first movement (a reliable morning and afternoon movement session) this one is sporadic throughout the day and night. Nathan would "play" with me by pushing back if I pressed on a hand or foot, while this baby is evasive. Makes me wonder if he will be a handful!!

Besides for documenting this pregnancy, I keep meaning to blog to record some of Nathan's "funnies." I suppose every child says things their parents think are funny all the time, but some of these are priceless. Most recently, we were at a seafood restaurant with my parents, and Jason was trying to get Nathan to try a bite of my fish. "It's NEMO," he exclaimed, and Nathan promptly became hysterical that mommy was eating Nemo. He event went so far as to try to fish (no pun intended) the bit out of my mouth, ostensibly to save Nemo. :)