Friday, August 10, 2012

Happ birthday bug!

Dear Noah,
You are our little bug. I have not blogged all of your milestones, but they are seared in my memory. Even after only 12 short months in this world, you have developed a clear and strong personality. You are fiercely independent and single-minded when you want something. Even your pancreas has a mind of its own. You used to be able to command us with your eyes; now you simply point at what you want and then look at us as if to say "well, what are you waiting for?" You test your limits by touching something that you aren't supposed to and then looking back at us for a reaction. You also assert your independence with your refusal of bottles- but only at home. If Miss Marilu or Miss Iris offer you a bottle, you accept it. For family, not so much. That's why you have to have that tubey, you silly boy! If only we could explain to you that you're making your own life difficult! In spite of all the poking and prodding that's been done to you, you've been able to keep your sweet and playful nature. Your smiles are the best, hands down.

We know that you don't like doctors or fluorescent lights, but what DO you like? Books, for one. You have, for several months now, been picking out books and crawling madly across the room to us so that you can be read to. We read "Bubbles, Bubbles" over and over and over again, but we don't mind at all. You also have an appreciation for art and photography that astounds me. Wherever you go, you want to see every picture that is on the walls. You even provide commentary on ones that you particularly like. You love all things musical, especially Kindermusik. I know that I can make you smile by playing the "Our time" song, and usually you even hum along. In a few weeks, you and I will be starting a new Kindermusik class, just the two of us. I can't wait!

You have a great vocabulary for a one year old- you can (when you want to) say mama, dada, jada, nae-nae, and the best of all: "uh-oh!" I think that your comprehension far exceeds what you can communicate, so one day I expect the floodgates to open and all of your thoughts will spill out into words. 

I love the giant grin that you give me in the morning when I come get you out of your crib, and I love how you come pull on my legs to be picked up. I hate that we are having to subject you to so many tests, but we really need to figure out what's going on so that you can GROW. I would be lying if I said that the past year has been easy, but I will say that it has been a joy to be able to spend so much time with you from when you were born through May. I'm glad to see that you love your school and enjoy it, then I don't feel so bad about leaving you. Sometimes you make huge changes (grandma calls it going through a door) in just hours, and that is just awesome to watch.

I know that we will look back on this summer a year from now and it will seem like so long ago that life was so tough. I am hoping that come December we can celebrate your birthday with an actual birthday cake- I've saved your candle for you. For now, drink your milk and GROW so that we can ditch that tube and do even more fun stuff.
