Saturday, July 3, 2010

Kindermusik review

Earlier this week, Nathan and I went to a Kindermusik playdate at Amaya Papaya ($5 on Groupon!). I didn’t really know what to expect, but for five bucks, I figured we’d do it. I’m glad we did, because Nathan really enjoyed it! There were about a dozen kids, ranging from about a year old to four or five years old, with Nathan being closer to the younger end of the spectrum. The instructor sang lots of songs, played lots of music, used lots of props, and perhaps most importantly taught parents how to engage with their children and teach about music. I learned some fun new songs (I’m terrible with nursery rhymes) and took away some ideas for activities. The props were really fun- animal puppets, musical instruments, parachute, and “rainbows” (see below for a pic). Nathan was engaged about 60% of the time, but the instructor had explained ahead of time that the kids might not pay attention the whole time and that it was okay to let them wander. It was also a major workout for me- my traps were sore the next day from lifting him over my head again and again! At the end, each child also received a little tote bag with a book and a CD- not bad for $5! We’re signed up to do another one at the end of this month; unfortunately the purchase limit was two or I would have bought more.

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