Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Happy 3rd birthday, Nathan

Dear Nathan,
Happy 3rd birthday! Another year has flown by and you have blossomed from a toddler into a little boy. How can I begin to describe you?

You are very sensitive and cry easily. That can make disciplining you difficult, since you are unreachable with reason when you begin to cry. Sometimes, you have epic crying jags that can last an hour or more if we can't somehow cajole you out of them. 

You are sentimental- you remember who gave you every single thing that you own (and when/why they gave it to you). This includes toys, food, clothing, you name it. You also want to know "who made this?" about everything. You ask who made your house, the car, the shopping cart at Publix, and even who made you. You ask many incisive and inquisitive questions. That, combined with eyes like a hawk and a memory like an elephant means that nothing gets by you. Ever.

You ask "what" and "huh" a whole lot. It drives daddy and me nuts. You hear what we say, but you don't pay attention a lot of the time. We hope you will grow out of this soon. 

You love your little brother dearly; I sure hope it stays that way! You are always singing to him, bringing him toys, or telling me something funny that Noah did. You delight in watching him smile and in making him laugh. You tell me all the time the things you plan to do with him ("when Noah gets bigger THEN he can play blocks with me"). 

Your imagination is unmatched, so you find joy in playing with just about any toy. You love school and music class and the zoo. School is new, you just started at the beginning of January, and I already can tell that you've learned a ton. You have been talking about continents and tell us all the time that you want to take an airplane to South America to see volcanoes.  Oh yeah, you love volcanoes and tornadoes. And Angry Birds. And dinosaurs.

You love books of all kinds, but especially the pop-up ones from Uncle Jesse and anything by Dr. Seuss. You can recite by heart The Very Hungry Caterpillar (you've known this one for a while) and almost all of Fox in Socks. 

We look forward to watching you grow and learn even more this year. Happy birthday, baby, we love you so very much.

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