Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Yesterday was a "breakthrough" day. For both kids, actually. Noah only got up once during the night, and that was at almost 4 a.m. What a difference that makes in sleep quality!! Then (later in the day), Nathan came into Noah's room while I was changing Noah's diaper, and said, calm as anything: "I pooped in the potty." And sure enough he did. I think it was an accident, but either way, we had to drop everything and make good on all of the promised "superprizes." We drove his monster truck, got frozen yogurt, and of course we called grandma to tell her. Then, he went two more times that afternoon and asked for more frozen yogurt. So we had to renegotiate our reward chart on the fly :) Now Nathan is in underwear full time except for nights- he has been having dry diapers consistently for a while now, and as I posted last week, we had made a few trips outside the house in underwear. I expect there to be a few accidents, of course, but I like that we waited until he was pretty much self-trained to make the big switch.

It turns out that underwear is not necessarily "easier" than diapers. In some ways, in fact, diapers are easier because you can change them at your convenience. Now, if Nathan has to potty, we need to make arrangements NOW. By the way, I highly recommend one of these

I continue to marvel at how quickly time goes by. Somehow I thought that staying home would make the days go slower, but the days still race by at breakneck speed. I realized, too, that I was incorrect in thinking that I'm taking an awful long time to get everything under control in the morning and be able to get out of the house. Rather, when I was working, I was scheduled within an inch of my life and thereby forced to do everything at an unreasonably fast pace. This speed is normal, it just feels slow by comparison. 

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