Saturday, November 5, 2011

On Noah

I think Noah deserves his own post, don't you? As of today, Noah is just shy of 13 weeks/3 months. He continues to be an "easy" baby, only crying every once in a while. I am constantly amazed at the sharp contrasts in personalities between him and his brother, even at this young age. Where Nathan needed to be held, Noah prefers to be in the swing or bouncy seat. Where Nathan giggled, Noah instead prefers to talk in long oohhhhhhhs and ahhhhhhs. Nathan had to have his paci all the time, Noah could take it or leave it. He is very contemplative and watches everything. He particularly loves to watch his brother when they are in the car (they sit next to each other); sometimes with an adoring look and sometimes with an intense "I'm plotting to take over your top spot" look. 

He loves baths and being outside. He's not a big napper- he just dozes a little here and there and then takes one big nap in the afternoon. Unfortunately, he is not yet sleeping through the night- in this aspect he's similar to his brother (Nathan slept through at 4 months or so), but we moved him into his crib regardless. His room is just across the hall from ours, so it's not that far of a walk. Typically, he's up at 2 and 5. I believe he is what is called a trained night feeder, and the literature suggests that I "wean him off" the night feedings. I don't see how you can do that other than not feeding him and letting him cry, which I refuse to do. Instead, when he wakes up, I try to turn his crib soother on. If after the first round of that, he's still making noise, I feed him. Luckily, he usually goes right back to sleep after he eats. It's just the not having a solid block of sleep that is wearing on me. I realized, in going through my old blog that with Nathan, that I pretty much ALWAYS got rest because Jason and I tag teamed night feedings. In fact, I have a blog entry from when Nathan was around 3 months or so saying that it was the first full night I'd done myself and I was TIRED. Ha. 

We've been working on tummy time, which Noah hates, and laying on his back on the baby gym. This has been harder to make time for, because I don't like to do it when there's one adult, one dog, and one toddler in the house. I try to reserve tummy time for Nathan's nap time (if and when he has one). Noah also just started sitting in his bumbo seat and now also has a tray for it, so he can sit with us when we are at our "work" table. We have an infant to toddler high chair that I think he's ready for and then he'll be able to sit at the kitchen table with us too rather than in a corner on the floor in his bouncy seat. 

I think that's all! 

1 comment:

  1. So funny I was thinking I needed to do the same for Liam- have his own post! There are a lot of similarities between Noah and Liam too- the not napping, no giggles but talk, the dislike of tummy time. I'll have to do a Liam post this week.
