Monday, September 26, 2011


The challenge of having two children, I have figured out, is that at all times, either one or both has a need, so you never really have a break. Either both need something RIGHT NOW, or you get one settled and then the other one needs something. It's an endless cycle. The good news is, I can see that it will (should) get easier as each child gets older, especially once Noah can sit up or go in an exersaucer.

Potty training
At this point we've pretty much abandoned potty training for the moment, because there's no way I'm putting an actively potty training toddler in a car for a long road trip. Far too risky. I will say that he's been far more successful with grandmas and at the church nursery than with me. With me, he'll just pee in his diaper, but apparently in other places he'll ask to go potty rather than pee in his diaper. Why, I have no idea. He still refuses to poop on the potty for anyone. I figure I'll try again in late October after vacation.

Preparing for Vacation
Speaking of, we're attempting a pretty major road trip in two weeks to go see my brother in Virginia and stop at a few places along the way. I think I have a pretty good packing system figured out that involves lots of plastic bins and labeling. I think that the best way to do things is to break the driving up into segments with fun stops along the way, but Jason thinks that plowing through would be better. I guess we'll find out soon enough!!

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