Friday, July 29, 2011


I have been visiting a chiropractor fairly regularly the last half of this pregnancy, in case the alignment of my pelvis/spine had anything to do with Nathan being asynclitic (crooked). However, I never REALLY bought into the whole thing. Well, on Wednesday night, I went to the gym. I did usual types of stuff. When I left, I felt fine, but by about an hour later I had a searing pain right where the two halves of the pelvis meet in the front (pubic symphysis) that caused me to more or less shuffle and really restricted my ability to lift my leg above a certain angle, including when trying to roll over in bed.

I went to the chiro yesterday and explained the pain, and she said if it was what she thought it was, she could fix it and I would be amazed. I tried to climb on the table and actually had to walk around to the other side because I couldn't even lift my left leg enough to get ONTO the table. She did about 1 minute of manipulation and had me get down. I. could. not. believe. it. I was instantly able to walk normally, and I could even climb right up onto the table from that first side! It's still sore, but I'm now a believer for sure.

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