We still have no definitive name for the baby, there is a frontrunner, but it just doesn't hit me that it's the PERFECT name, so we'll see.
The public at large continues to pile on the unwanted comments about how low I am, am I SURE there's just one baby, etc. I don't mind too much from people I know, but twice this week I've gone out (once to the gym/Publix and once to a work meeting) and have had no less than three random people each time make comments. Let me say this about that. Would you ever go up to an obese person and say "wow, you're FAT! You might keel over from a heart attack at any moment!" or to a little person "Boy you're short, I bet you need a ladder to carry around!" I don't think so. I can't control the way my body looks, sorry. And if you've already asked once if it's twins and I say no, there's really no earthly reason to say "are you SURE??"
Interestingly, although I am drawing a lot of stares, I'm getting more respect at the gym than most places. No one asks me if I need help setting up my bench, or looks at me with a worried expression. I'm thankful for that, and I'm thankful that I'm still able to go to the gym at all. It's definitely getting harder, and I'm not able to make it through an entire cardio class, but I figure a half hour a few times a week is better than nothing.
Final preparations are being made- hospital bags are mostly packed, baby's room is mostly done (my mom will disagree, but the basics are in place), and I'm in wrap-up mode at work (only two more weeks of work till I go on leave!!). I went back and re-read my blog from when I was pregnant with Nathan, and am watching carefully for warning signs of that horrible rash I had last time. I'm just crossing my fingers on that one. I've also been pretty good about practicing hypnobabies, though I am not entirely sure it's working.
I'm hoping to not quite make it to my due date this time, with my two guesses being 8/2 or 8/6. Next Thursday is my first midwife appt. in a few weeks and I believe she will check me. Then we're basically in watch and wait mode!
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