Saturday, August 13, 2011

Nathan's first week

Well, it's been a week at midnight since Nathan's little world was turned upside down, beginning with being woken up in the middle of the night to go to to Grandma Lynn's for a sleepover and culminating with bringing this little person, Noah, home for good. For the most part (and being that he's only two and a half), he's handled everything rather well! He is intensely proud of his big brother status and will say things like "ohhh, you're so cute," or when company comes over "come see baby Noah's room!" Noah doesn't cry much, so that is good for his likability factor from Nathan's perspective. At first Nathan was a little scared of my owie and also standoffish with me, telling me "no high fives, no nose kisses, no hugs" but luckily the embargo has ended and he's back to loving on me- at least as much as he did before, lol.

He was also very wired the first few days, he couldn't focus or do projects like he normally does, but now he has settled down. I have been spending time with him when the baby sleeps and we're doing special projects together, especially cooking, when we can. Jason takes him out on errands so they can have "special Daddy Nathan time" and though he exhibited a bit of separation anxiety leaving Jason and me at the house at first, he's also gone out with my parents a bit. Today I would say was his first "mostly normal" day.

His little antics continue, here are a few of just the most recent:
- He has a stuffed baby giraffe that came with balloons that my aunt sent. It started off with needing to put a diaper (and even requesting a wipe and telling the giraffe "legs up! legs down!") and progressed to needing to feed the baby giraffe milk (I gave him a bottle we don't use and told him to fill it with special giraffe milk, a carton of milk from his play kitchen). Well, today, he wanted milk for the giraffe's bottle and refused to get the milk "I want the milk from MOMMY's fridge!" He went to our fridge and started saying to himself "I can't open it! It's too heavy!" One of us tried to give him the carton of play milk and he told us "NO, it's no RE-ALL!" Silly us, we were trying to feed the giraffe fake milk.

- Last night I asked him "Can you get me the blue pillow (boppy) and he replied "mommy, what's the magic word??" Guess that manners thing is working a little too well.

As for Noah, he is doing well. He is very mellow and sleeps a lot so far. He sleeps for 4 hour stretches at night, which is so beyond awesome that I can't even say. He is a little snuggler that is built like Jason but has cold feet and hands like me. Whereas Nathan would go from zero to ten in a second, like me, Noah is slower to get worked up and will ask nicely for a long time before getting agitated. It's so funny to see personality differences even at this young age! Almost makes me want another one... No, wait, on second thought...

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