Thursday, June 3, 2010

No original title, no unique theme

I have fallen off the blogging wagon in an inexcusable way... No posts since Nathan was nine months old! No milestones, no first words, NOTHING. Bad, bad, bad. Here is my rejuvenated effort, with a rejuvenated look, to better document our lives, share milestones and funnies, ups and downs, insights and moments that can only be described as pure dumbness. You'll laugh, you'll cry, or at the very least I'll post pictures occasionally. I (ahem) solemnly. promise. to. keep. up. with. this. blog. Kudos to Andrea and Stephanie for making me feel peer pressured into doing this. Boo on Mary and Jesse for making me feel like it's ok to not blog for months at a time :)


  1. Your new blog is in my reader :) SO EXCITED YOU'RE BACK!

  2. Boo? :P I'm glad you got the new blog up, I can't wait to read all your exciting news and updates! Though, that's the last time I try to be nice, next time you fall behind on your blog I will nag you until you make a post, especially if I'm going to get called out for "being too soft!" : )
